Vintage NHL Pennants

Our collection of vintage NHL pennants has all been sourced from the USA and Canada. Our collection of NHL pennants generally ranges anywhere from the '70s up until the mid-2000s. Every one of our ice hockey pennants is 100% genuine (as is everything from our online store.)

Our curated collection of NHL pennants has been handpicked and sourced by someone from Team Maple.

If you are looking for specific ice hockey pennants or flags, from a certain sports team or era, please get in contact with us. Back at Maple HQ, we have hundreds of ice hockey pennants and flags, but unfortunately, we cannot currently list them all.

If you are interested in a bundle of NHL pennants or flags, please feel free to reach out to us also. We will be more than happy to put together a bundle for you (at a lower price per item.)

If you have any questions or queries for us, please get in contact. Someone at Maple will respond as soon as they can!

PS: If you are looking for other sports pennants, you will be glad to hear that we also stock vintage baseball pennantsvintage NBA pennants and vintage NFL pennants.

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