Vintage Graphic T-shirts

Our huge range of vintage graphic t-shirts has all been sourced in Canada and the USA, by someone from Team Maple.

All of our vintage t-shirts have been carefully selected, before being added to our online store. Every t-shirt offers its own unique graphic, which you'll unlikely find anywhere else.

Each vintage t-shirt ranges anywhere from the 1970s up until the mid-2000s. And don't worry about fakes, all of our vintage tees are 100% authentic and genuine (the same goes for everything on our website.)

If you are looking for your new favourite vintage tee, Maple has you covered. Simply use the filters to shop by colour, size and price.

Our wide range of stock covers popular vintage brands such as Disney, Nike and Harley Davidson. While also covering the staples of all good vintage t-shirts, such as Fruit of the Loom, Jerzees, Screen Stars and more.

If you are searching for a particular vintage t-shirt (whether it be your favourite sports team, TV show or band) please just reach out to us. We have many more vintage tees back at Maple HQ. So we could have what you're after, or at least something similar.

Last thing on our end. Don't forget to check out our Instagram page, to stay in the loop and see the latest vintage t-shirts we have on offer. We'll typically post any new t-shirts we find on our socials before they end up on our website. So it's worth keeping an eye on it!

New items that are uploaded will appear first.

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Are you in search of any specific vintage t-shirts?

If you're looking for your vintage t-shirt grail, just reach out. We have hundreds of vintage graphic tees back at Maple HQ, so we can always have a look for you, to see if we have what you need.

We can also try to source any vintage t-shirt that is requested. Simply get in contact with us and we will see what we can do!

Vintage graphic t-shirt enquiry


Why do vintage t-shirts cost so much?

One of the most common questions we receive is why is a vintage t-shirt so expensive. Well, there are many factors that come into play when determining that.

Firstly, it's important to note that not all vintage tees are expensive. It is also a subjective opinion when it comes down to the cost of something vintage.

For instance, who's to say that a vintage t-shirt that was made 40 years ago and that has a finite amount left in circulation, should cost less than a designer t-shirt that is mass-produced and made in bulk? It's a matter of opinion.

But also, of course, trends, scarcity and demand can play a big part, even in the world of vintage clothing. The world of vintage falls under the bracket of fashion so with it comes the same economics of supply and demand, seasonal trends and so on.

This is why you might encounter a vintage band t-shirt costing hundreds of pounds.

If a vintage t-shirt is highly sought after and is in very limited quantities, the price is driven up. Whereas a vintage t-shirt that is easier to find and not in demand will cost much less.

Other determining factors that can affect the price are the overall condition, size and even the colour.

So if you find yourself looking for your favourite band t-shirt from the 90s, expect to pay a hefty fee. (We recommend buying it now, as the price will only continue to rise.)

How to tell if a t-shirt is vintage?

There are a few key telltale signs to look for when trying to identify if a t-shirt is vintage or not.

When it comes to vintage American clothing, vintage graphic tees were union-made in the 70s, 80s and most of the 90s. It was only during the mid-1990s that companies began to outsource their production to other countries, for cheaper labour costs. So if the tag says "made in the USA" or "made in Canada" it's most likely from this era.

The easiest way to identify a t-shirt by its year of manufacture is a simple Google Lens. Simply take a picture of the vintage graphic t-shirt and put it through Google Lens. The software can scan the internet and try to find a match for the graphic (the more obscure the graphic, the harder it will be to find.)

Any matches will appear in Google. From here you can click on these t-shirts to find out more information about the graphic tee in question. They will typically be links to other selling platforms (people selling this t-shirt) which is also good for getting a better understanding of the "going rate" for the vintage tee. In the description of these tees, you can usually find information, such as the year of production. This will give you a good understanding of whether it is vintage or not.

If you're not into Google Lens, the tag of the t-shirt is usually the best indicator to identify whether it's vintage or not. To identify vintage American clothing, you want to cross-reference the tag, to place it to a specific year. Again you can Google this to see how the tags changed over the years. For instance, simply Googling "screen stars tag by year" will bring up a bunch of pictures which show you this.

For very obscure tees, more effort will be required to identify the year of production. Usually asking for help in the vintage community, is your best bet. Asking people in vintage subreddits or vintage clothing groups on Facebook is likely your best bet.

Are vintage t-shirts better quality?

It depends on what you are benchmarking it against, but largely yes.

Vintage tees were largely union-made, using better production methods and produced in lower quantities. This has led to the longevity of vintage clothing, lasting decades before ending up in landfills.

On the contrary by today's standards, fast fashion is catered to a throwaway culture, aiming to place as many pieces of clothing in a consumer's wardrobe, in as little time as possible. With this unethical ethos in place, comes cheap labour and low-quality clothing production.

So unless you shop ethically, it's highly unlikely that the t-shirt you buy today will be better quality than one from the '90s.

Why are vintage tees so popular?

The rise of vintage has been steadily growing over the past few decades, as the younger generations prefer to opt for a more conscious wardrobe. With this comes the rise of the vintage graphic t-shirt culture.

With many fashion brands taking direct influence from the world of vintage, it's no wonder that people would rather go straight to the source, to get their fix of real authenticity.

When it comes to vintage t-shirts, there's something to be said about their uniqueness, tied in with a big dose of nostalgia. People want authenticity, not a fake carbon copy.

Imagine finding a vintage t-shirt of your favourite band's tour, that you attended when you were a kid. You want the real thing. That actual t-shirt you might have once owned, that you grew out of. To have it once again, can almost be priceless. Now place this feeling across all aspects of life (your hometown or city, your favourite sports team, the first movie you remember watching) and you can see why these vintage tees are so popular.

When it comes to vintage graphic tees, the beauty is in the individuality of the piece. You're unlikely to see anyone else in your town or city walking down the street wearing it. So this uniqueness combined with nostalgia, is one key reason that has led to the popularity of the vintage t-shirt, that cannot be understated.